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Albums | Silver Bullet - Shadowfall

Andy Maelstaf

Soms heb je van die bands die je het gewoon hebben. Het is dan niet enkel het genre dat parten speelt, maar gewoon de opbouw van de nummers en hoe die gespeeld worden. Met nummers als het traditionele en energieke Creatures Of The Night, het duistere The Ones To Fall of het klassieke The Thirteen Nails is het soms onbegrijpelijk dat een band als Silver Bullet na al die tijd nog niet gekender is. Dit zijn slechts drie voorbeelden die aantonen dat de band veel te bieden heeft in hun genre, maar toch dankzij hun diverse uitvoeringen uitblinken.


Without a doubt, the Finnish SILVER BULLET count as one of the most promising melodic metal acts of our decade. Their third studio album, "Shadowfall", will be released on January 20, 2023 via Reaper Entertainment.

"As I said before, Silver Bullet does not slow down. The European tour is about to start but before that we will release the third single from the upcoming album "Shadowfall". "Creatures Of The Night" is inspired by the short story "The Shadow Over Innsmouth" by H.P. Lovecraft. With atmospheric verses, bluesy guitar solos and a very catchy chorus, this is one of the most versatile Silver Bullet songs. Martin Wrigsjö did another great job and captured the mood of the music beautifully in the lyric video."

Silver Bullet’s inception dates back to the year 2008 when the band was founded under the name of Dirge Eternal. Former Dreamtale vocalist Nils Nordling and ex-Turisas bass player Hannes Horma completed the pack and helped forging the full-length debut “Screamworks” that was released in mid-2016. The album’s guiding theme – classic horror movies – was masterfully transferred to the stage, with actors serving as zombie nurses, possessed little girls and even as a chainsaw-wielding lunatic, making Silver Bullet’s entertaining live shows an audiovisual experience. After a highly successful stretch of touring, the Finns returned with their second offering of powerfully orchestrated, riff-infused Symphonic Heavy Metal in 2019. Though the backdrop of horror flicks was left behind, “Mooncult” nevertheless served as a real spine-chiller, offering a thrilling plot set in the vastnesses of Scotland.

With a new singer, Bruno Proveschi, at helm, Silver Bullet evolved into a versatile metal monster. Conquering festival stages like Rockfest, Saarihelvetti and Metal Capital Festival, brought them recognition they truly deserve. At the same time they were writing a new opus, this time without any limiting theme. Working again with the metal powerhouse Reaper Entertainment Europe, “Shadowfall” truly solidifies Silver Bullet's status in the metal scene as one of the most promising melodic metal acts of the decade. With the new album, they are also launching Overtour To Armageddon, a full-fledged European tour consisting of 31 shows around Europe and in Finland.

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