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Sounds | Rival Sons - Don't Think Twice, It's All Right (cover)

John Van de Mergel

Derde in mijn reeksje (recente) eigenzinnige covers, al is deze belange zo eigenzinnig niet als de voorgaande twee. Even de harmonica eruit gooien, het tempo wat naar beneden halen en er één van de allergrootste rockstrotten ooit op zetten. Dylan fans may hate it, I just LOVE it!

Darkfighter verschijnt op 2 juni 2023 via Atlantic Records.

Luister ook naar: Nobody Wants To Die


In the run-up to the release of Rival Sons new record DARKFIGHTER (out on Friday June 2nd), Jay Buchanan and Scott Holiday from Rival Sons stopped by The Crypt Studio in North London and filmed a cover of Bob Dylan’s Don’t Think Twice, It’s All Right.

"Don't Think Twice, It's All Right" from the 1963 album The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan is a special choice for Jay Buchanan, he states: “This Dylan track was one my Pops would sing in the living room when I was really young. He’s real shy and didn’t sing a lot, so whenever he did it stuck with me. It’s strange to think that as a kid, through song, you grow up very aware of heartbreak long before you’ll ever experience it.”

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