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Sounds | Once Human, Deadlock (feat. Rob Flynn)

Jan Guisset

Om toch maar absoluut in de release radar lijstjes van Spotify & co. te geraken releasen ook de heren en dame van Once Human nu al de eerste single van hun nieuwe album. Scar Weaver zal dat heten en op 11 februari 2022 verschijnen. Nu, laten we ons gewoon maar aanpassen aan deze nieuwe realiteit en in de eerste plaats blijven genieten van nieuwe muziek.

Once Human is een band die garant staat voor kwaliteit. Door de pandemie kregen ze ongepland wat meer tijd om aan hun nieuwe plaat te werken. En dat hoor je aan deze eerste single Deadlock dat dodelijk strak klinkt. Once Human gitarist Logan Mader riep hiervoor de vocale hulp in van zijn voormalige kompaan Rob Flynn (Machine Head) die de track van een heerlijke chorus voorzag. De half rappende samenzang met Lauren Hart geeft het geheel een lekker Nu-Metal gevoel mee.


Pieced together over the last two years, ONCE HUMAN’s upcoming album “SCAR WEAVER” represents a massive step forward for the band. Blessed (or perhaps cursed) with plenty of additional time during the last year’s lockdown situation, the band have been able to refine and redefine their sound, inspired by a sudden creative surge from latest recruit, Max Karon. The result is an gloriously idiosyncratic modern metal record, with Lauren Hart’s career-best vocal performance just one of its dazzling revelations. With ONCE HUMAN’s most intense and explosive music to work with, the singer has pushed herself to new heights, showcasing a vastly expanded vocal range in the process.

One instant highlight of the new ONCE HUMAN record is preview single “DEADLOCK”, featuring a typically imperious vocal cameo from Machine Head’s Robb Flynn. Logan Mader’s history with Machine Head is well documented, not least in recent times when he toured the globe with Robb for the Bay Area band’s Burn My Eyes 25th Anniversary Tour. As a result, this new collaboration needs no explanation, but Lauren remains thrilled by the whole experience.

“It was absolutely amazing, are you kidding?,” Lauren Hart says, “I didn’t believe it was happening until he sent something back and I heard his voice on our song. I was like, ‘Holy crap! This is real!’ He came back with a new chorus and it was so much better than mine, so my chorus was gone! [Laughs] But then performing with him in the video, that was insane. The energy he brings on stage, he brings in person too."

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