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Sounds | Wheel - Porcelain

John Van de Mergel

Tweede single van het nieuwe album dat er binnenkort aankomt. Porcelain is zoals de titel doet vermoeden een best breekbaar nummer, mooi ingetogen en met veel gevoel gebracht. De band heeft al lang niet meer zo dicht bij het geluid van Tool gestaan als nu en dat is zeker geen verwijt.

Charismatic Leaders verschijnt op 3 mei 2024 via Inside Out Music.


Ter Info

Vocalist & guitarist James Lascelles comments of the track: “Porcelain ended up being about social norms and how the values of the past seem abhorrent by modern standards.  In turn, our current values will likely be seen as primitive, careless or even cruel in the future. I think we would all like to imagine that if we had been born long ago, we would have the same world view that we do now but this would likely not be the case - we are all shaped by our surroundings and social conformity, probably more than we would like to admit. It was a humbling topic to dig in to and the more I thought about it, the more empathy I was able to find for our ancestors.”

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