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Sounds | SLIFT - Weaver's Weft

De kerstcadeaus zijn uitgepakt, de nieuwjaarszoenen zijn uitgedeeld en die goede voornemens zakken even snel onder nul als de huidige temperatuur. Tijd om te ontsnappen. Letterlijk. Want met Weaver’s Weft neemt het Franse SLIFT je alweer mee op een kosmische reis.

Waar het onlangs gereleasede ’Nimh’ stevig materiaal was, gooit het drietal het nu over een andere boeg. Weaver’s Weft wordt verpakt met een stevige dosis doom en de zang krijgt een prominente plaats. Chanting, rauwe kreten, hypnotiserende interludes, deze bijna tien minuten lange track is een knappe opeenvolging van muzikale experimenten.

Neem ook de tijd om de bijhorende video te bekijken. De bevreemdende, buitenaardse beelden en digitale graphics tillen dit nummer nog een trapje hoger.

Ilion verschijnt op 19 januari 2024 via Subpop.


Slift speelt op 18 maart in de AB Club in Brussel.


Weavers’ Weft’ is the song that opens the album’s second half. There was a tipping point in the narrative at the end of the first half of the album. The second half of the record is no longer situated in the linear flow of time that serves as a backdrop for many stories. From ‘Weaver’s Weft’ onwards, time goes both into the past and into the future. The piece talks about weavers of the fabric of time, entities who continually create space-times, each containing its share of universes. Everything that exists is written there, and it is possible to travel between frames. Everything is cyclical and infinite. To illustrate this (or maybe it’s the other way around?), we wanted something monolithic and timeless. It is as if this song has been sung for millennia (time goes back to the past!). The heavier parts are inspired by bands like Part Chimp and Gnod

SLIFT’s ILION is a towering work of rock music, a steamrolling record that starts at the highest peak and never lets up. If that sounds overwhelming, trust that this Toulouse trio have you in good hands. Their third full-length feels massive and oceanic, merging the furious intensity of metal and the wigged-out guitar heroics of psych rock with post-rock’s epic sense of scale. ILION is the kind of music where you listen to it and think to yourself, “This came from only three people?” It sure did, and SLIFT’s utter ferocity is way more than a tempest in a teacup. It reaches outwards for miles and creates new zeniths within unforeseen horizons of rock. 

SLIFT is made up of brothers Jean and Remí Fossat and Canek Flores, who first met the brothers Fossat at (of all things) school. After the band formally came together in 2016, they quickly made their 2017 debut EP, Space Is the Key, which merged stoner rock’s heaviness with the sugar-rush qualities of garage rock. From there, things only got weirder: The trio experimented with faster tempos and bongos(!) on the following year’s full-length La Planeté Inexploreé, and in 2019, their KEXP session recorded at the Trans Musicales festival in Rennes became a viral sensation, racking up more than 1.4 million YouTube views. 


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