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Sounds | ROOK, The Shoulder

John Van de Mergel

Hoe zalig kan muziek zijn, toch wanneer je je niet vastpint op dat éne genre waar je zo van houdt. Neen, ik wil geprikkeld worden, uitgedaagd, maar ergens toch ook weer een stukje vertrouwdheid voelen om me in te nestelen. Van ROOK had ik al eens gehoord, maar eigenlijk ken ik de band zo goed als niet. De vijf Gentse muzikanten gaan er prat op zichzelf steeds weer uit te dagen en dat resulteert in zéér interessante 'sounds'. Zo ook deze eerste single van hun eerste full album dat morgen op de wereld wordt losgelaten. Doom, dark ambient, post rock, psychedelic, industrial, ... het zit er allemaal ergens in verwerkt. Een uiterst hypnotiserende mix.

Infinite Empty verschijnt op 13 mei 2022 via dunk!records LIVE

vrijdag 27 mei op dunk!festival, Vooruit (Gent)

Luister ook naar: Voidless


Ghent (BE) based ROOK is a 5 piece band of self-challenging musicians, creating an

overwhelming experience that is constantly flirting with the limits of sound. Within a slow,

doomy context they experiment with darkness and chaos resulting in mesmerizing songs. A

massive wall of sound that is at the same time characterized by an immeasurable fragility.

ROOK is paving their own way since 2015 with remarkable live shows and surprising releases along the way. Their first EP ‘I’ (2019) is a first glimpse into their gloomy, dark world with three songs leaving the listener hypnotized and confused. Tribal rhythms, tantric repetition and soaring vocals: it all contributes to their ever-evolving sound. However, one can not simply put a label on their music as there’s so much to discover. Oúfo, their follow-up EP released in 2020, is showcasing their hunger for experimentation even more. This lo-fi sounding compilation of improvised jams takes the listener on an enchanting trip to a foggy underworld and is the perfect impetus for what is to come.”

- dunk!records -

ROOK is: Hans - Drums, samples, tuba

Michel - Bass, fx

Brann - Guitar, percussion, vocals, graphic design

Sner - Guitar, vocals

Billie - Vocals, synth

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