Het zat eraan te komen: de aankondiging van een nieuw album van Real Friends. Het is echter een EP geworden, eerder dan een album. De aankondiging gaat gepaard met de release van hun laatste nieuwe single Teeth. In de video wordt getoond hoe het voelt om om te gaan met het verlies van iemand wanneer je je eigen gevoelens niet onder ogen durft te komen. Hoewel het nog steeds wennen is om Cody's stem te horen bij Real Friends, is het zeker een prachtige en emotionele song die aantoont dat Real Friends nog steeds hot is.
Zanger Cody vertelt het volgende over de nieuwe single: “Teeth is a very personal song for me. It touches on some of the years leading up to just before I joined Real Friends. I had gone through some of the most challenging years of my life. After sharing some of my experiences with the group and Andrew Wade, Andrew said: ‘Ok, brutal, now let’s turn that into a song'”.
The full band version of ‘Teeth’ is different for us. We’ve always turned full band songs into acoustic versions. It was fun to do the opposite with ‘Teeth’. It brings out more aggression that fits the lyrical content perfectly. I’m so stoked for fans to hear this”, aldus bassist Kyle.
De nieuwe EP Torn in Two komt op 17 september 2021 uit via Pure Noise Records.
For as much as the world has changed since Real Friends first emerged in 2010, the band’s mission hasn’t. They continue to bleed without apology and write songs that make it okay to feel everything: the ups, the downs, and anything else in between. Rather than shy away from emotion, the group run right towards it with distortion cranked and hearts opened, tightening their careful distillation of pop and punk on each subsequent release.
When the band - Dave Knox [lead guitar], Kyle Fasel [bass], Eric Haines [rhythm guitar], and Brian Blake [drums] - welcomed vocalist Cody Muraro in 2020, the goal stayed the same as they crafted new music for Pure Noise Records.
Over the years, Real Friends have forged and strengthened a deep connection with fans. The group’s 2014 full-length debut, "Maybe This Place Is the Same" and "We’re Just Changing", marked a turning point. Rock Sound named it one of the “Top 50 Albums of the Year”.2016’s "The Home Inside My Head" maintained this momentum with further acclaim and sold out shows. In 2018, Composure incited applause from Music Connection, Alternative Press, Substream Magazine, New Noise, and Billboard who described it as “raw”. To date, they’ve also amassed over 100 million streams and counting.