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Sounds | Point North, Erase You

Ik was helemaal gek op zowel hun debut album als hun laatste release (Nice Now) en nu komt Point North opnieuw opdagen met een leuke song. Erase Me heeft een energieke beat, al mogen ze net iets minder autotune gebruiken. Zonder kunnen ze het ook perfect, dus laten we het alsjeblieft zo houden!

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Put this band on your radar. A passion, a home, an escape. Music is many things to many people, and for the four Californians who make up Point North, it’s the perfect way to sift through the turmoil raging in their heads. From the sadness and loss that colours ‘Dearly Beloved’ to the bittersweet bounce of ‘Blameless’, this EP represents pop-punk at its most candid and troubled – yet it’s anything but a miserable listen. Actually, whether it’s the gorgeous, life-affirming chorus of ‘Conditions’, the pitch-perfect ’00s throwback of ‘Godspeed’ or the winningly brittle, mostly acoustic ‘Everybody Fades’, this feels more like the start of a thrilling new chapter. You’ll want to keep an eye on these guys, trust us.

(Bron: Rocksound)


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