Het duurde toch wel even voor hun eerste single bij me binnenkwam, nummer twee en drie bleven niet hangen en deze vierde... wow ... die doet het terug helemaal. Een grotendeels rustig voortkabbelende song die geleidelijk aan een gevoel van onbehagen creëert, vooral wanneer Kristin Hayter 'opduikt'. De zang van Eugene S. Robinson blijft toch iets apart, een perfecte match voor dit nummer, al zal ik er nooit helemaal aan wennen denk ik. Héél straffe video ook, met een slot dat zo uit een horrorfilm zou kunnen komen.
Love's Holiday is op 21 july 2023 via Ipecac Recordings.
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About the video and track, Niko Wenner says;
"I started Lovely Murk in late 2011 imagining the perspective of my mother then dying from Alzheimer’s, and what it would feel like to lose everything, even one’s self. So personal, I kept the song for myself; she died in early 2012. But soon Lisa Meyer at Supersonic Festival in Birmingham England asked us to play, encouraging me to orchestrate a version for an Oxbow Orchestra performance. And eventually I was ready to record the song for our new Oxbow album Love’s Holiday, with new lyrics. I asked Kristin Hayter to create a Lingua Ignota choir using my melody from 2011, she also added voice over the bridge, altogether creating a stunning and essential addition. A long journey for what for me is a beautiful, powerful song, made with love."
Eugene S. Robinson continues,
"My favourite part of filming the entire video was during a break in the recording when the home owner of the historically significant house in Pennsylvania where we recorded it, walked into a room where I was sitting and screamed on account of him believing I was an actual ghost. In his mind I guess 17th century ghosts have iPhones. "When Kristin's voice comes swelling up in the song's centre, right about the time my dying and almost dead carcass ascends to the sky gods, I actually had a moment where it felt like that's precisely and 'for real' what was happening. Her voice, my voice, the voices all contributed to...yes: that feeling of... release."