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Sounds | Insomnium, The Witch Hunter

The Witch Hunter is ondertussen de derde single die Insomnium uitbrengt van hun aankomende album "Anno 1696". Eerder kregen we al White Christ en Lillian voorgeschoteld, maar wat een muzikaal meesterwerk is ook dit weer! Deze band blijft mij keer op keer verbazen met wat ze weer tevoorschijn weten te toveren. Ondanks dat deze single net iets anders klinkt dan de typische melodeath die we op vorige albums steeds te horen kregen, vind ik het nog steeds prachtig klinken. Je kan zowaar volledig opgaan in dit nummer en de buitenwereld even afsluiten, dat is een gevoel dat niet elke band mij kan geven. Deze Finnen aan de andere kant, die lijken daar niet veel moeite mee te hebben!

Ter info

On February 24th, Finnish metal melancholists Insomnium will release their ninth full-length, Anno 1696, via Century Media Records. Based on a short story by Niilo Sevänen (bass/vocals), Anno 1696 is woven with sorrow and the last crumbling vestiges of hope.

Guitarist Markus Vanhala comments about the track: "This is a good example of a song growing and finding its own wings during the studio process. This one definitely has a cinematic feel; the storyline needs the essence of journey moving forward. In fact, I made a Finnish vocal demo for this one, reading and screaming Niilo's storyline, but only the name stayed and translated from 'Noidanmetsästäjä' to English. But that's another story and a secret version never to be found by 'outsiders'... :)"

Bassist/vocalist Niilo Sevänen adds: "This is Markus Vanhala's composition; it actually does not really sound like the archetypal Insomnium song and has some very interesting elements. One of the songs that improved the most in the studio in my opinion - and became one of the singles. Lyrically it continues to tell the story from the Witch Hunter's point of view."

Guitarist Ville Friman concludes: "For me, this song has a really strong cinematic feel to it, and I can easily travel into the story in my head when I close my eyes."

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