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Sounds | Hello Darlings, Prayer for a Sparrow

John Van de Mergel

Van veelgevraagde sessiemuzikanten naar een eigen band, dat is het verhaal achter The Hello Darlins. Bakken ze er dan op eigen benen wat van? Wat mij betreft zeker en vast, wanneer je houdt van zachte, toegankelijke americana/roots muziek. Verwacht dus zeker geen scherpe kantjes of ergens een hoek af. Pretentieloos genieten is de boodschap.

Go By Feel verschijnt op 11 juli via (dat we het begot nog niet weten).

Luister ook naar: Heart in the Snow Aberdeen


Some of Canada’s most in-demand roots music and session musicians decided to create something new on their own! They created “The Hello Darlins“, a group with an impeccable pedigree poised to shake up the Americana and Roots music scene.

The Hello Darlins first took shape with Calgary-based vocalist/producer Candace Lacina and keyboardist/producer Mike Little. Previously working with other artists, an impressive list that ranges from Shania Twain and Charlie Major, The Road Hammers to George Canyon and the late B.B. King – they decided to make music together.

The Hello Darlins includes, Lacina and Little along with a power-house cast of professional studio musicians. They combine all of their skills and influences to forge a distinct hybrid of country, gospel and blues!

About the new song: Mike says:

"The song is a familiar struggle that many young people face - particularly young women as they find a path to independence. The song is a plea for safety and resilience at a vulnerable time. It's a prayer for my own daughter. Women are disproportionately affected by poverty, violence and exploitation and the sparrow represents a kind of vulnerability - but it's also a symbol of protection, resilience and empowerment. "

Candace says:

"I feel that humanity is becoming more understanding and compassionate. We're experiencing a new beginning, and a renewed hope. Dolly Parton is an inspiration to me, and this song. The sparrow is the ultimate sign of a changing season and it feels like a good time for change."

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