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Sounds | Bring Me The Horizon, Die4u

Maui Vindevogel

Bring Me The Horizon is niet bang om te veranderen, dat weten we intussen al. En dat is ook niet anders met hun nieuwste Die4u. En ja hoor, hun constante drang naar verandering bewijst nog maar eens dat ze een hele hoop aankunnen. Die4u is absolute banger met de nodige screams. Probeer maar eens niet mee te zingen met het refrein!


RIT and Grammy-nominated, multi-Platinum-selling quintet Bring Me The Horizon are one of the most electrifying and successful rock bands to emerge from the UK.

The group released their sixth studio album, amo, in 2019, which debuted at No.1 in 17 markets. The LP garnered the band their second Grammy nomination for Best Rock Album after its first single, ‘MANTRA’, earned them a nod for Best Rock Song in 2018. They also received their first BRIT Award nomination for Best Group in 2020. The band have sold more than four million albums to date and played sold-out shows in over 40 countries.

Bring Me The Horizon are vocalist Oli Sykes, guitarist Lee Malia, bassist Matt Kean, drummer Mat Nicholls, and keyboardist Jordan Fish.

(bron: Sony)

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