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Nieuws | dunk!festival 2022: nog eens vijf bands erbij!

Het vertrouwen is groot dat 2022 het jaar wordt waar alles geleidelijk aan terug op de sporen geraakt. Het jaar waarin dat lelijke beestje - en de vele varianten die er mogelijks nog aankomen - weliswaar niet verdwenen is, maar we geleidelijk aan ermee leren leven. Het jaar waarin de experts, die achter de schermen hard werken aan oplossingen, een duurzame oplossing vinden. Noem me naief, I don't care! Dit jaar zien we elkaar terug op steeds meer concerten, t.t.z. zo van die gebeurtenissen met échte bands op een écht podium met een prachtig publiek dat geniet van het moment. Het is hartverwarmend te zien dat ook een organisatie als dunk! datzelfde gevoel deelt en hard blijft werken aan een lineup om 'U' tegen te zeggen.

- Persbericht -

This bewitching French band is consistently one of the most fan-requested performers for the festival. Year Of No Light were finally slated to play in 2020, but we all know what happened there; on the bright side, they’ll have new material to perform from their 2021 release Consolamentum. With two drummers and three guitarists, they clearly aren’t in the business of leaving anything on the table; they write huge songs and aim to perform them exactly as they were meant to be heard and experienced.

Dramatic instrumental soundscapes, patiently building melodies, carefully looped progressions – these are all things we expect to hear at the festival, but Jo Quail delivers them in a striking and singular fashion that has the power to inspire us to broaden our palettes and expand our understanding of what is possible in this niche of music we all love and share.

Since debuting as teenagers in 2016, Californian quartet Wanderer has continually pursued ways to attack traditional melodic post-rock motifs in fresh, buoyant, and exuberant ways. Anyone who has seen them live can attest; they are in perpetual motion from the first note to the last, injecting a punk sensibility into a post-rock template.

German post-metallers Cranial carry an appropriate moniker, conjuring images of the very area they aim to crush with their gigantic riffs, thundering percussion, and bellowing vocals. But beyond their sonic savagery lies an impressive compositional thoughtfulness, and in that spirit, we invite you to experience your mind being expanding while your skull is being pulverized.

Emerging from the mind of Sardinian solo artist Valerio Marras, S A R R A M is the newest member in a considerable lineage of drone performers to take the dunk! stage. Marras deftly moves through dark, ominous rumblings, lush, carefully picked guitar melodies, and thundering doom riffs, creating layers which keep the music engaging even as it encourages listeners to delve deeply inward.

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