Rhiannon Giddens 'vatten' is onbegonnen werk en dus hou ik het graag op authenticiteit, intensiteit en musicaliteit. In 2017 verscheen haar laatste solo album Freedom Highway. Begin dit jaar resulteerde een samenwerking in Songs Of Our Native Daughters en nog geen 3 maand later brengt ze, samen met jazz pianist/multi-instrumentalist Francesco Turisi, There Is No Other uit. Op 3 mei te vinden in elke zichzelf respecterende platenzaak.
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"I started singing at an ungodly age, standing in my crib and warbling at passing family members. I didn't really think of it as a career until I went to the School of Science and Math and realized that I never wanted to do another algorithm. So I went to Oberlin Conservatory and did the whole opera/recital thing, burned out and discovered the banjo! The rest is history." En je leest de rest maar hier.