Tijdens de eerste 45" krijg je het gevoel dat dit wel eens een vrij rustig, donker nummer kan worden. Wanneer de razende drums en grunts inzetten, dan weet je dat...je ergens wel het juiste gevoel had, mits 'rustig' te vervangen door 'emotioneel'. Héél mooie gitaarpartijen trouwens en de gekende breaks en bridges waar het geweld even plaats maakt voor wat cleane vocals en prachtige harmonieën. De keys zorgen voor de theatrale noot en geven het nummer zelfs een intrigerend filmisch slot dat gegarandeerd een overgang is naar een volgend nummer.
Re-Incentive verschijnt op 1 september.
Luister ook naar: Monologue
ter info
With a career spanning over two decades, Belgium’s Thurisaz is a band that like so many other bands with such longevity has had its fair share of bumps along the road.
The story behind their forthcoming album ‘Re-Incentive’ started a couple of years ago… A dear friend of the band was coping with severe depression. Working a dead-end job for several years, he went from burned out to depressed. It’s a nasty, poisonous thing, depression… During that time one of the band members, as well as another good friend from the band, had to deal with a break-up. So when the band sat down and discussed the theme of the new songs, they decided to go with a concept-like album covering the darkness one feels when dealing with the feelings of depression and heartbreak.
Working around these concepts while living thru such turbulent period of time wasn’t easy for the band and songs took some time to be completed as Thurisaz had to write them, ditch them all together and rewrite them before finally being satisfied with the end result.
Recorded and engineered at CCR Studio by Kris Belean, Mettez Nick and Theuwen Peter, and mastered at Fascination Street Studios by Jens Bogren, the new album ‘Re-Incentive’ shows a band in full command of their craft, perfectly balancing a dark, heavy atmosphere with some poignant and beautiful melodies. Overcoming the trials and tribulations of a seasoned band, this album really showcases Thurisaz in the best shape of their career.
(Bron: Viral Propaganda)