Sinds ze me vorige zomert live heeft omver geblazen in AFAS Live, heb ik deze Australische in m'n hart gesloten. Pretty Lady heeft een lekkere zomerse vibe, helemaal feelgood en chill. Ze laat haar stevig rockend gitaargeluid achterwege voor meer eenvoud, meer soul en meer dansbaarheid. De video weerspiegelt dat gevoel perfect.
ter info
Over 'Pretty Lady' zegt ze: “I’ve been trying to figure out how to write this song for like 6 years. I used to loop it and just free style to it when I was busking years ago but I always got stuck on the same parts. I put the song in a box at the back of my mind and revisited it in November 2019. I had Dann Hume and Matt Corby spend some time in my studio and that’s when I decided to show them this song. It’s my first song I’ve collaborated with other players on.”
Over de video: "So what do you do when you’re releasing a new song, you gotta make a music video, and you can’t leave the house due a global pandemic!? Well I gave some family, friends, and fans all around the world a little preview of the song and asked them to have a little fun and video themselves dancing along. Here’s what they came back with. Would love to see you give it a go too and post it online using the hashtag #prettyladychallenge Stay home and stay safe :) "