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Sounds | Syberia, Nothing Inside

John Van de Mergel

Je komt uit Barcelona en noemt je band Syberia, dan zou je hondsbrutale, ijskoude post metal verwachten, maar niets is minder waar. Oscar, Jordi, Quiom en Manel laten weldegelijk een zware, volle sound horen op deze eerste single, maar overgieten die met veel melodie en zelfs een warme Zuiderse zonnestraal. Nothing Inside verlegt de grenzen van het genre niet, is eerder een vrij traditioneel, zij het aangenaam, postmetalnummer.

Statement on Death verschijnt op 6 mei 2022 via Blacklight Media Records. LIVE

zondag 10 april, Kinky Star (Gent)


Having leaned in the direction of post-metal on 2019's Seeds Of Change, SYBERIA have enthusiastically embraced the genre on fourth album Statement On Death. Transcending their origins as an instrumental rock band, they show many more sides to their songwriting without losing their unique signature sound. Comprised of five riveting tracks spread across 42 minutes, it covers a lot of musical ground, but never once do they lose the attention of the listener, taking them through numerous textured sonic peaks and valleys in beautiful style. "On each album we try not to repeat ourselves and look for things that we haven't done so far," states the band.

"When we start songwriting, we never do it following a specific plan. We always compose according to what we have heard at that time, normally we record riff ideas individually and take them to the rehearsal room. Once there, we assemble the pieces of the puzzle to find the desired song, and the result this time is a record that is darker than our previous ones but with the same bright moments."


Oscar Linares (guitar)

JordiOnly (guitar, synths & programation)

Quim Torres (bass)

Manel Woodcvtter (drums)

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