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Sounds | Rezn & Vinnum Sabbathi - Morphing

John Van de Mergel

We kunnen de straten plaveien met releases van psych-, stoner-, doom-, sludge- en postbands en ook voor ons is het soms door het bos de bomen niet meer zien. Toch luister ik nog steeds naar alles wat onze mailbox te vreten krijgt. Gewoonlijk slechts enkele seconden of mijn parttime voor BIR wordt méér dan een fulltime. Die seconden moeten dan gewoon volstaan om aan te voelen of ik er wat mee kan of niet.

Morphing deed het voor me: een rustig kabbelende track zonder highs noch lows, licht hypnotiserend, licht trippend. Eentje om bij achterover te leunen.

Silent Future verschijnt op 11 augustus 2023 via Blues Funeral Recordings.


For this new chapter of the PostWax series, US label Blues Funeral Recordings has brought together the inimitable talent of Chicago atmospheric psych-doom goldsmiths REZN and Mexico City cosmic conceptualists Vinnum Sabbathi. This true union of heavy exploration gave birth to an exciting collaborative album that sees no less than ten musicians joining forces for a mind-altering and breathtaking odyssey into the riff-drenched astral reaches.

The seed for Chicago quartet REZN’s megaton riffs and psychedelic journeys was planted when guitarist Rob McWilliams and bassist Phil Cangelosi began jamming at age twelve in the DC commuter town of Leesburg, Virginia. Relocating to Chicago in 2015, the pair recruited local sound engineer Patrick Dunn to bash on the drums, and, after playing just three shows together, set about recording their molten amp-worshiping debut LP, also inviting their friend Spencer Ouellette to round out the bottom-heavy sound with the hum and squall of modular synth. Several albums and experimental releases later, REZN has forged a unique style of heavy music by molding disparate textural and musical elements into a shimmering, pummeling cohesion of crushing mass, cosmic weightlessness and lysergic calm.

Formed in 2012 in Mexico City, Vinnum Sabbathi merges loud, slow and distorted riffs with samples from science fiction and science fact, transmitted to listeners through heavy jams and hypnotic transitions. Across two EPs, four split releases, two albums and a live session, this hyperdimensional foursome's singular goal is to create powerful interstellar soundtracks to both earth-originating and space-born cosmic events, via both studio recordings as well as live outings across Mexico and Europe. facebook

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