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Sounds | Neck Deep, It Won't Be Like This Forever

Maui Vindevogel

We hebben maar liefst drie (!) keer goed nieuws voor Neck Deep fans! De band bracht niet enkel een nieuw liedje uit, It Won't Be Like This Forever, maar kondigde ook meteen een nieuw album aan. De song klinkt precies zoals we dat van Neck Deep gewend zijn.

Ben Barlow zegt het volgende over hun nieuwste release: "It Won’t Be Like This Forever’ came around really easily and naturally. We wrote the chorus just by chance while working on another song and it ended up being our favorite song on the record. We wrote it the first time we got together after covid, down in Wales. I guess at the time we were thinking that ‘it won’t be like this forever’ (guess we were right) but as time has gone on the world has been presented with a whole slew of other problems and so it’s maintained its relevance. You can view it through that lens or you can zoom in and make it more personal, which I ended up doing. Meaning that the tough times don’t always last and having someone to help you through those times is a beautiful part of life and love. It’s a love song, a hope song, and a self-improvement song all in one!”

Op 19 januari zal ook hun vijfde album uitkomen. Het album zal een self-titled werkje zijn dat 10 liedjes telt. Enne... het was toch drie keer prijs? Jawel, voor wie het miste: Neck Deep speelt in oktober en november ook een Europese tour. Mét haltes in Nederland en België! Op 19 oktober is het in Doornroosje in Nijnemegen te doen en op 2 november zak je best af naar de Vooruit in Gent!


Neck Deep leapt from side project to full time band in 2012, after a single track online led to a pair of EPs followed by a deal with Hopeless Records. They struck a chord with a burgeoning audience, quickly heralded as leaders of a resurgence in hook-heavy punk, with an immediate accessibility and fun attitude combined with genuine concern for issues like loneliness, depression, and anxiety. The instant relatability of the band’s songs and overall approachable attitude endeared them to a new and incredibly passionate generation, with devotion to rival the biggest titans of melodic rock.

Bron: Kinda Agency

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