Fans van Mayday Parade opgelet! De band kondigde de release van hun gloednieuwe EP namelijk aan. Op 16 oktober verschijnt Out Of Here. Natuurlijk gaat deze aankondiging gepaard met een nieuw liedje, en hier is dat Lighten Up Kid. Naast deze leuke song zal de EP nog twee andere liedjes bevatten. Het wordt de band hun derde EP. De laatste dateert alweer van 2011. Out Of Here volgt album Sunnyland uit 2018 op.
The EP follows the release of 2018’s Sunnyland LP, the band’s 5th full-length album which has streamed over 62 MILLION times and took the band to five continents since its release. A band known for their high-energy and almost non-stop live shows, Mayday Parade had to cancel their North American Tour in support of their newly released single “It Is What It Is” in early April along with several festival appearances slated for this summer. The cancelled touring hasn’t stopped them from connecting with fans on a series of live Happy Hours throughout quarantine and earlier this summer, they released a feel-good cover of The Beatles’ classic, “I Want To Hold Your Hand” which featured friends including The Maine’s John O’Callaghan, We The Kings’ Travis Clark, Dan Lambton (Formerly of Real Friends), Knuckle Puck’s Joe Taylor and Grayscale’s Collin Walsh.