Een manager die eist dat je geen pizza's meer eet, je bier vervangt door een proteinedrankje met vanillesmaak (oh, the horror!) en je in de gym gaat voorbereiden op een tournee ... dat gaat toch volledig tegen alle regels van het rock 'n' roll leven in.
Gelukkig zijn de dudes en dudette van High Desert Queen cool genoeg om die regels aan hun laars te lappen.
Dat hun steeds geweldig hilarische videos gepaard gaan met bijzonder vette groovende stoner riffs maakt dat ik het gisteren via Magnetic Eye Records verschenen Palm Reader in alle aspecten een fantastisch album vind. Hopelijk vindt de band ook snel de gelegenheid om eens in onze contreien te komen touren.
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"We couldn't be happier with how this album came together.", vocalist Ryan Garney writes. "Going to YellowDog, and deciding to record the whole thing live without a click track while creating new songs after getting off the road allowed this to be an album that's helping mold what High Desert Queen is becoming. The title track came together in the studio when Phil started playing the drum beat as a joke. We were all laughing until Rusty ripped into the intro guitar riff, and within an hour we had the music completely written. What you hear on 'Palm Reader' is what we created in real time, and it's not like anything we've written before. We knew right away it needed to make it on the album, and it really showcases the spontaneous creativity behind the entire record."
HIGH DESERT QUEEN's sophomore full-length "Palm Reader" is bursting with raw energy and radiates the feeling of 666 diesel horses thundering loudly. The album is crammed with cool vibes, ripping leads, and a ton of desert fuzz with a focus on great songs rather than trying to stay confined within the corral of a particular style.