Troubadour Grayson Capps neemt op zijn zevende studio album zestien traditionals en folk songs onder handen. De eerste single Moody River is alvast een uiterst geslaagde herwerking van Moody River, een song geschreven door Chase Webster en veelvuldig gecovered door o.a. Pat Boone, Frank Sinatra, John Fogerty en recent nog Lord Huron. Capps baseert zich echter op de doorleefde (country/folk) versie van Doc Watson en maakt deze nog iets donkerder, iets meer richting southern gothic.
Heartbreak, Misery & Death verschijnt op 25 oktober 2024 via Royal Potatoe Family.
Grayson Capps: "I grew up with music, whether hearing Fred Stokes, Bobby Long and my dad, Ronnie Capps, singing around the house on Fridays and Saturdays, or listening to records in the den, my youth seemed to always be surrounded with music. One of the first artists I gravitated toward was Doc Watson. I found my own voice by emulating him singing "Wake Up Little Maggie." We had The Essential Doc Watson and Doc Watson Memories, and I wore those records out. "Columbus Stockade Blues" was one of the first songs I learned to play on the guitar."