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Sounds | Deathwhite, White Sleep

Even kort 'death' binnenkomen om dan 'melodic' verder te gaan en net zoals de vorige single een episch momentje te kennen. Yep, ik mag deze mysterieuze darkmetalband wel.

Grey Everlasting verschijnt op 10 juni 2022 via Season of Mist

Luister ook naar: No Thought or Memory


“It is our utter distinction to share the third single from Grey Everlasting, ‘White Sleep.’ Like ‘Earthtomb,’ ‘White Sleep’ explores new territory, most notably on the vocal front. We have long been wedded to clean vocals, but ‘White Sleep’ provided the opportunity to try something more aggressive.

"The song is our encapsulation of the last several years when the desire to remain in a state of eternal sleep sometimes outweighed dealing with the reality that is the world and its innumerable, unsolvable issues. It is no doubt a struggle many have experienced. In the end though, it is a far greater achievement to pull oneself up by the proverbial boot straps and forge ahead.”

Line-up: Unknown

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