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Sounds | Coriky, Clean Kill

Sven Togni

Ian MacKaye is allicht de belangrijkste man uit de DC punk van de jaren 80. Naast muzikant te zijn geweest in enkele van de toonaangevende band, Fugazi, Minor Threat en Teen Idles, was hij ook oprichter en mede-eigenaar van het schitterende Dischords Records label. 15 jaar geleden zocht hij, na decennia in de punk, rust in The Evens, een band bestaande uit enkel hemzelf en zijn vrouw Amy op drums. Reeds 5 jaar is hij bezig met de band Coriky waar hij The Evens uitbreidt met Fugazi bassist Joe Lally.

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In 2018, Ian MacKaye, his Fugazi bandmate Joe Lally, and his Evens bandmate Amy Farina debuted a new band on stage in DC, and they since revealed that the band is called Coriky and played a few other shows, and now they’re finally set to release their debut album. It’s self-titled and due March 27 via Dischord (pre-order), and the first single is opening track “Clean Kill.” It’s unmistakably the work of Ian MacKaye, probably closer to The Evens than to any of his other projects, but with a bit more of that Fugazi-esque grit in the mix. It’s a very cool first taste, and you can hear it for yourself. Here’s the band’s new bio: Coriky is a band from Washington, D.C. Amy Farina plays drums. Joe Lally plays bass. Ian MacKaye plays guitar. All sing. Formed in 2015, Coriky did not play their first show until 2018. They have recorded one album. They hope to tour.

We hope they tour too! Stay tuned.

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