Goed nieuws voor fans van poppunkers Boston Manor. De Britse band heeft namelijk maar liefst 2 nieuwe singles van het aankomende album Glue uitgebracht. On A High Ledge gaat over mental health en de rol van de man in de samenleving. Zelfmoord speelt een centrale rol hierin. Ratking gaat dan weer over de samenleving en hoe we er niet in slagen samen te leven en empathie te tonen.
ter info
GLUE is a bold, outspoken and uncompromising record, one which Cox hopes will be a call to arms for everybody who listens to it - to make them realize they need to take notice of what's happening both around them and on a larger, more global scale. Inevitably, in a critical examination of modern constructs, it comes from a dark place but one that fueled Boston Manor to create a body of work that elevates their craft further than ever before. During what singer Henry Cox describes as a "very chaotic" process, came the 13 highly charged songs that make up this record.
(Bron: KINDA)