AViVA bracht afgelopen juni haar eerste album uit. Sindsdien heeft ze duidelijk niet stilgezeten. Na de release van Cursed in december, is ze opnieuw van de partij met een nieuwe song. Antihero is een vrij korte song die abrupt eindigt maar wel blijft hangen.
Over de song zegt AViVA zelf:: “To me ‘ANTIHERO’ is about shaking off the shackles of guilt. That burden of not doing what’s expected of you, or not being enough... sometimes you’re not the hero someone expects you to be, but that pressure is still there. That sort of pressure can often feel like a prison in itself and people expect you to sit down and make yourself at home there”.
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With over 1.5 Billion streams and a steadily growing global fan base, Australian born, LA-based artist AViVA has already proven she is here for the long-haul. Smashing over 65 Million monthly streams, AViVA has carved herself a spot in the alternative music scene with her emo-pop sound and unique vocal tone which both soars and simmers.