Het is intussen alweer 4 maanden geleden dat we een song van As It Is te horen kregen. IDGAF was even wennen, en daar gaven de jongens ons duidelijk genoeg tijd voor. Nu zijn ze terug met hun nieuwste I Lie To Me. Hierop klinkt zanger Patty Walters wat anders dan we gewoon zijn, maar het blijft wel een beetje plakken.
Mag ik het zeggen? Ja, ik mis toch wel de oude As It Is sound.
“‘I Lie To Me’ is about the days where you wake up and try, only to end up exactly where you started. Where the only distance walked is the step or two taken beyond the threshold of your limits. Because it hurts to fail, but it hurts so much more when you try. ‘I Lie To Me’ is that unrestrained resentment that inspired this record, and it’s ironic how that defeated apathy led to one of my personal favourites on this upcoming album of ours. If these words resonate with you, then fuck, sorry you’ve ever felt as shit as I did when we wrote this one. If you lie to you to get through, that’s okay, we do too.”
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As It Is – completed by frontman Patty Walters, guitarist Ronnie Ish, and bassist Ali Testo – take the listener on a journey which delves into every aspect of arguably the most prevalent social ill of our time across their third studio album, The Great Depression. From public perception, to internal war, the quartet unflinchingly confront the most difficult questions around depression, the value of life over death, and whether the rhetoric around ‘reaching out to talk’ is ostensibly hollow, if no one is prepared to hear those words. But if the four piece have delved into brave new territory conceptually on The Great Depression then the sonic leap forward that runs in tandem with it signals this record as not just a landmark release for the band, but for the scene as a whole. The Great Depression, produced by legendary producer MACHINE (Lamb Of God, Every Time I Die), is comfortably As It Is’ most layered, technically accomplished and certainly most aggressive record to date. All of which adds up to a record that establishes the band as one of the most daring creative forces in their scene. One which reinvents while retaining what was already great, one which is full of vaulting ambition that feels both powerfully universal and profoundly personal, and one which demonstrates with absolute clarity a band brave enough to go their own way and succeed.
(bron: Fearless Records)