Hoe Juha Raivio (Swallow The Sun) het voor mekaar heeft gekregen, is bijna niet te vatten. Op 18 april 2016 verloor hij zijn partner Aleah Stanbridge aan kanker. Samen met haar maakte hij muziek met Trees Of Eternity, werkten ze aan songs voor Swallow The Sun en zouden ze nog zoveel méér doen. Het uitbrengen van een solo album bv. en daar heeft hij nu werk van gemaakt. Dit eerste nummer is zo herkenbaar mooi dat het pijn doet. Net als bij Trees gaat het om dromerige/abmient doom metal gedragen door de engelenstem van Aleah. Hartverscheurend betoverend!
Aleah verschijnt op 1 juli - Aleah's verjaardag, ze zou dit jaar 43 zijn geworden - via Svart Records
lees "This day April 18th will always stay as the blackest and saddest day of my life. But I want to remember this day also from something positive and good from now on and release Aleah’s song “My Will” from her solo album that will be out on her birthday 1st of July 2020 this summer. This is the electric version of the song taken from the album 2, and the acoustic one will follow soon.
This album will be a double album with all newly mastered Aleah acoustic songs and new versions where she wanted her songs to be taken to, including unreleased music too. Also everyone who supports and pre-orders the album will get as a thank you gift a free download including more unreleased Aleah’s music and home recordings. The download comes with the album. Aleah, I made a promise to tell the world about your music and words my Love, and carry your fire as far as I just personally could. And it has been beautiful to see how many have found your healing voice and have been carrying your flame ever since you left us from this world on your journey, Im so proud of you and your music that also changed my world. Dear all. If my music with Swallow the Sun, Trees of Eternity or Hallatar has ever given you anything, then I just ask this one favour from my heart. Help out reaching the people who have never had a chance to hear Aleah’s voice yet, because I believe this world really needs it more than ever. Join to tell about this magical being, her healing voice and her music. Write, or post videos what Aleah’s music has meant to you and if her music has been part of your life. Comment on youtube videos and spread the word that her album is finally coming out this summer. Help me carrying this torch. I can only thank for myself, but I want to thank Svart Records for standing behind me and giving me opportunity to honour Aleah’s music and words during these years, and now finally Aleah’s own album that she always wanted to release. Thank you Jaani Peuhu who I produced this album with and all the musicians involved, and amazing artist Leyla Salm Art & Design for the magical painting on the album cover. Thank you people very close and very far for your love. My Will song and video is just the beginning and there will be many music videos coming out this spring and summer done by great people in Dronicon Films. I hope you will support, share and carry this album like a golden torch of Aleah it is, and tell the world about this healer and her music she left behind for us. Thank you for carrying this flame and making this day a bit brighter. All the love to you. All the love to Aleah." -Juha-