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Sounds | Grace Cummings - A Precious Thing

Terwijl Cummings danst tegen het warme licht van de ondergaande zon, zingt ze aanvankelijk zacht soulvol en enkel begeleid door een piano. Blazers en strijkers vullen aan, de zang wordt rauwer en meer getormenteerd en het geheel doet me kippenvel krijgen. Ik denk dat Grace Cummings ondertussen tot mijn favoriete zangeressen/performers behoort. Pardon? Sorry, ze behoort met zekerheid tot mijn top!

Ramona verschijnt op 5 april 2024 via ATO Records / PIAS

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Of the song, Grace says, “I wrote this song on Christmas Eve in 2022. I think it’s pretty self explanatory. This song used to feature the screech of an eagle. We decided to take that part out and replace it with a Timpani.”

Cummings has been quietly making a name for herself with a string of impressive releases, praised by the likes of The Guardian, Pitchfork, NME, GoldFlakePaint, and NPR for her riveting, powerful voice and intense, blues-inflected songwriting. Ramona - her finest and most captivating work yet - was recorded in Topanga Canyon with acclaimed producer Jonathan Wilson (Angel Olsen, Father John Misty, Margo Price) puts Cummings’ rich vocals and dramatic storytelling front and centre.

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