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Sounds | P.A.R.T.Y. , Alestorm

Pieter Bouckhout

De week is over de helft, tijd voor een feestje. Een song die in wezen niet veel om het lijf heeft, maar dat is ook niet altijd nodig om een feestje te bouwen? Live wordt dit sowieso een party starter, dat wordt een leuk feestje op Graspop volgende maand! Grab a bottle of Rum and party along!


´s “P.A.R.T.Y.” time! Grab a drink and come on board, because the infamous and boisterous pirate metal gang, ALESTORM, have released the second single from their upcoming full-length album, Seventh Rum of a Seventh Rum – the ultimate pirate-party-hymn: “P.A.R.T.Y.”! The energetic track is quite possibly the band’s catchiest offering to date – chock full of rousing chants and video game-worthy synths that tempt the listener to grab a drink and sing along, leaving no sailor behind. The dance-infused folk sound of “P.A.R.T.Y.” will assuredly bring up the urge to gather your crew and bop happily along arm in arm. Set your sails and join ALESTORM at their pirate party on the open seas!

Christopher Bowes on "P.A.R.T.Y.": "Oh wow! We tried our best to make Seventh Rum of a Seventh Rum into a serious album, but of course we're not very good at that, and the temptation to make a disco party anthem was all too great. So we ended up with this song. Extra special thanks to the wonderfully talented Alex Henderson for making this amazing animated video, and of course thanks to Matt Cockram for playing the egg (it's just before verse 2, if you're interested)."

ALESTORM spent two years during lockdown going insane and frantically dredging up the craziest pirate metal anthems from their treasure chest of ideas, and have created the most epic and serious (yes, serious) sounding ALESTORM album you’ve ever heard. From the symphonic choir-powered “Magellan’s Expedition” to the rousing anthem “Under Blackened Banners” featuring intense technical riffing and exquisite solo duels, Seventh Rum of a Seventh Rum is a real throwback to the early days of Captain Morgan’s Revenge. But fans of the modern ALESTORM sound need not worry either – there’s plenty of party mood in the aptly-named future hit song “P.A.R.T.Y.”, and the high speed, insane folk metal banger “Cannonball” has the most ridiculous and offensive lyrics you’ve ever heard in a pirate metal song (making “Fucked With an Anchor” sound tame).

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