Deze 'moest' ik gewoon doen omdat ie zo leuk retro klinkt en het origineel natuurlijk ook een enorme glimlach op m'n tronie tovert.
Ik veronderstel dat ik over Los Lobos en hun muziek verder niet teveel moet lullen?
Native Sons verschijnt op 30 juni via New West Records. Luister ook naar: het origineel Sail On, Sailor lees
An original tune from Thee Midniters, one of the first Chicano bands out of East L.A. to make it big. They blazed the trail with such songs as “Whittier Blvd.” and “The Ballad of César Chávez.” Cesar: As a kid I’d catch Thee Midniters at Kennedy Hall on Atlantic and try to see how George (Dominguez) was playing those riffs that I couldn’t figure it out at home. Then about 20 years ago Aaron Ballesteros (Thee Midniters’ drummer) was in my home studio, recording other things. I started this riff, just goofing around, and he fell in. I said, “You know what? Why don’t we record it, man?” He did a count off and, unaccompanied, laid down the track you hear now. Perfect. First take. Conrad: In 1967 I played with Aaron in a 9-piece soul band called The Royal Checkmates, and then later in Tierra.
For all the trailblazing musical acts who’ve emerged from Los Angeles, very few embody the city’s wildly eclectic spirit more wholeheartedly than Los Lobos. Over the last five decades, the East L.A.-bred band has made an indelible mark on music history by exploring an enormous diversity of genres—rock-and-roll and R&B, surf music and soul, mariachi and música norteña, punk rock and country—and building a boldly unpredictable sound all their own. On their new album Native Sons, the multi-Grammy Award-winners map their musical DNA by covering a kaleidoscopic selection of songs from their homeland, ultimately creating a crucial snapshot of L.A.’s musical heritage.
Produced by the band at Nest Recorders in East L.A., Los Lobos’ 17th full-length takes its title from its sole original song: the heavy-hearted and soul-stirring “Native Son,” a loving homage to L.A. that sounds right at home amid so many classic tracks.