De boodschap? Eentje die al een dikke 50 jaar wordt uitgedragen: de mensheid helpt de natuur naar de kloten! Jawel, een halve eeuw al, als het niet meer is. Steeds met de oproep om NU te reageren, anders is het te laat. Wel beste mensen, maak je ook de komende 50 jaar geen zorgen, de natuur herstelt zich wel, de mensheid daarentegen ... Wat de muziek betreft, LDC gaat er stevig tegenaan, zowel in beeld als geluid. De eerste vijf minuten moet je niet teveel nuances verwachten. Volgt een rustig intermezzo waarna het sfeervol richting een finale boodschap gaat.
Eraser verschijnt op 26 augustus via earMusic.
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Giants Leaving
Nothing can turn back the tides of time or stop their inexorable forward grind, but music can always be relied upon to make the journey more enjoyable. Long Distance Calling have been expressing the inexpressible for the last 16 years, ploughing their primarily instrumental furrow with the skill and dexterity of true sonic artisans.
With a reputation as a formidable and dynamic live band, not least due to multiple European tours and high-profile festival appearances, Long Distance Calling have been building towards some kind of crescendo of artistry and opportunity for some time now. In 2020, despite being unable to hit the road, the band released their seventh and most absorbing full-length to date, How Do We Want To Live? Unable to take their new music directly to the people this time around, they instead decided to throw themselves enthusiastically into the creative process all over again.
The end result of all that creativity is surely destined to be one of the great progressive records of the year. Long Distance Calling’s eighth album is titled Eraser: a direct and heartfelt tribute to the gradual erosion of nature at the hands of mankind. Eraser will be released August 26th and is dedicated to the world’s endangered species, with each song representing one particular creature facing extinction.
Immersive, progressive and endlessly inventive, Eraser is another self-evident career peak from these dedicated musical mavericks.