Ik ga niet eens pogen deze muziek te omschrijven, behalve dan dat het zéér filmisch is en een erg beklemmend gevoel teweeg brengt. Dat gevoel wordt nog eens versterkt door de bijhorende video, of eerder, visualisering van één of andere nachtmerrie. Bobby Cochran heeft er een uiterst intrigerend, bij momenten freaky, meesterwerkje van gemaakt.
Prisyn is in 2020 verschenen via Sargent House.
Luister ook naar: Guntime The River Spree
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The prolific and compelling Louisville-based artist Jaye Jayle has, alongside director Bobby Cochran, created a brilliant music video for the closer of his latest album Prisyn.
Titled “From Louisville,” the song is equal parts exquisite and evocative as are its new visual components.
Evan Patterson [Jaye Jayle] comments, “I have a friend that refers to Louisville as 'the Kentucky cage.' It’s easy to get trapped and give in to the simple life that it so simply lends. I do love this city, it is my home, but the truth is: I desire more. I desire to see the world and to escape my comforts and have as many new experiences as humanly possible. And when I become tired or need a break or a place to just rest and recoup I return to Louisville with a grand appreciation for all of it’s simplicities.” He continues, “the visuals that Bobby compiled for this music video feel so relatable; they are humanistic and beautifully captured.”
Prisyn, released last August on Sargent House, sees Evan Patterson taking his boldest leap into unknown territories, capturing immediate moments in his ever-shifting surroundings with the most basic tool at his disposal: the GarageBand app on an iPhone. Having partnered with Ben Chisholm (White Horse, Revelator, Chelsea Wolfe) as collaborator and producer, Prisyn was composed while on a massive eleven-week stretch of touring. Consequently, Prisyn’s ten tracks are composites of various snapshots of Patterson’s life then, with the music taking shape on one leg of the journey and the lyrical components coming from some other moment on the road. The record's title— Prisyn— is a play on the idea of a synthetic prison, and alludes to Patterson’s desire for artistic freedom and the album’s conflicted use of addictive technologies. But in the time of the pandemic, he also views it as an example of overcoming adversity in desperate times; this is a record that could have been made under the jail-like confines of quarantine, with Patterson and Chisholm having never been in the same room at the same time.
"From Louisville" video director Bobby Cochran was also never in the same room with Patterson; due to the pandemic, their planning and conceptualizing was done virtually. Cochran comments, “I’ve been a fan and friend of Evan's for a little while, and when Prisyn was nearing its release date, I asked him if I could make a video for one of the tracks. ‘From Louisville’ spoke to me immediately. Evan emailed me a paragraph about the song's origins along with some very loose visual tidbits that came to mind for him, and I used that as a springboard. I'd been hungry to dive into more 'conceptual' music videos, and the imagery began rising up in my head right away.” He continues, “The main theme I worked around was the idea of addiction and the search for redemption. The blind pursuit of an endless cycle of seeking comfort and solace through things that numb us to the world and ourselves, and the little thread of light that can draw us closer to ending that cycle if we want to.”
Patterson laments about Prisyn: “These songs have a totally different energy, and that’s the exciting thing about making art. Things have to progress. I don’t want to draw the same picture for the rest of my life. Maybe that keeps you from being a master at it, but being a master isn’t the key to art. It’s having that constant expression, the constant outlet, the constant change."