Emma Ruth Rundle kwam vandaag met dubbel goed nieuws, de nieuwe song Pump Organ Song en de releasedatum voor de nieuwe EP Opheus Looking Back ! Eind November 2021 bracht Rundle haar veelgeprezen album Engine Of Hell uit , deze EP bevat 3 intieme uitvoeringen van niet uitgebrachte nummers van de Engine Of Hell sessies. Pump Organ Song is de eerste single, deze song werd spontaan geschreven in de studio en is een reactie op haar falende huwelijk en de beschikbaarheid van een oud pomporgel in de kamer.
Orpheus Looking Back komt uit op 25 maart via Sargent House.
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Emma Ruth Rundle has announced a new EP Orpheus Looking Back, a small collection of unreleased songs from the Engine Of Hell sessions, her highly lauded 2021 album. Set for a March 25th release via Sargent House, these three bare and intimate performances are in keeping with the album's unadorned style.
“Pump Organ Song” the first to be shared from the EP, was written spontaneously in the studio in response to her failing marriage and the availability of an old pump organ in the tracking room. Rundle Notes: “In the year that has come since recording the song, I feel more and more connected to this love song. It is still speaking to me about the process of parting ways and how romantic arrangements change and relationships close.”
Engine of Hell, released in November of 2021, is a stark, intimate and unflinching look at trauma and grief. The album focused on a return to the piano, an instrument she left behind in her early twenties. The Engine of Hellrecording sessions took place in Stinson Beach in December 2020, with Sonny DePerri co-producing/engineering