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Sounds | Dennyiah, Running

Dennyiah, één van mijn recente nieuwe ontdekkingen, bracht eerder dit jaar een schitterend album uit. Het ging om een verzameling zéér uiteenlopende nummers. Vlagen indiepop doorweven van americana, soul en soms een lichte etnische touch zorgden voor een authentiek geluid. Running is één van de meest dansbare, luchtige nummers op het album, een nummer waarbij je meteen vrolijk wordt en dus gechikt om deze zondag mee te beginnen.


"Our new video consists of four characters that depict different stages in my life. Let me introduce them to you."

Denisa vertelt.

"The first character represents me when I was 15 years old. I started to truly despise myself. All the hate and rejection started to crawl under my skin. Untill I found myself believing that all I was, was a worthless piece of shit. I’m sure we’ve all been there. But I didn’t stop believing that, 'till very late in my life. I tried to commit suicide multiple times and of course I found many ways to harm myself. Physically, mentally, anyhow. The lack of self-love lead me to some of the dumbest decisions I ever made. But music and good people around me convinced me to keep fighting. I am not ashamed of who I was and what I did. Because that is what made me: me. Stronger, wiser, better, more resilient and more loving towards myself and others. I am grateful for ever being this dark and very sad Denny. I hope that one day all the kids who go through the same stuff will be able to speak out and seek some help. SPREAD LOVE NOT HATE COZ’ KIDS IMITATE!"

Have you ever had your heart broken ? Well, I guess the answer is yes. This second character represents the part of my life when I madly fell in love for the first time and with the wrong person. It was mostly abusive ( psychologically) and I was totally unable to see anything but him. So I lost myself, completely. I became a ghost of me. So crazy in love I don’t think I’d ever break up with him if he wouldn’t have done it. Even after so many signs that this is literally killing me. I even started to believe that I don’t possess any kind of talent and especially in music. If there’s anything that I had learned from this experience, it’s this: no one can ever give you your worth BUT YOU. So, love your flaws, love your mistakes and most of all, LOVE YOURSELF. Coz’ if you do, then somebody can fully love you too."

Third character from our new video represents my soul/spirit/energy, whatever you wanna call it. It’s that inner space inside of every one of us, that absorbs everything silently and stays still. U can wrap it in a cling foil, u can drown in it in dark thoughts, u may even try to kill it but it’ll always stay. It’s with you from your first to the very last breath. The moment you realize that is where your power lays, it soars. You may float above all the dirt and hate that got stuck throughout the years. It’s an essential knowledge for every human being to be aware of their inner power/world. This is mine=loud and proud-out there in the world-naked-for you to see/feel."

"The very last character I’ll introduce to you is my current self. This Denny consists of all the characters I showed you before. She is who she is thanks to them. Weird, energetic, quirky, loud, loving, cheery, depressed, quiet, anxious, reliable, independent, responsible and irresponsible, smart and stupid, beautiful and ugly, just a good mix of everything. I look at my old selves and I’m proud to be here today to tell you my story The story of a random girl who never gave up on herself even though she really wanted to, many times. I hope this inspires you to never stop looking for the answers that are inside of you."


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