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Sounds | Arch Enemy, House of Mirrors

John Van de Mergel

Ik heb altijd iets en niets gehad met Arch Enemy. In feite maken Michael en Christopher Amott 80's/power metal, waar ik weinig tot niets mee kan, maar hebben ze een zanger in hun gelederen - oeps, het is een bevallige jongedame, excuses - die eerder in het modern metal schuifje past. Het heeft wel iets moet ik toegeven: lekker strak, melodieus en toch voldoende power. Een band die trouwens perfect op de Alcatraz affiche zou passen.

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Guitarist Michael Amott comments: "Musically, this is an idea that has been bouncing around in my head for a while, and finally it got finished. It all started with the guitar motif that kicks off the track, which naturally leads to the galloping 80's-metal feel of the verses. As is always the case with us, we had quite a few different arrangements and demos of this song until it was, dare I say, fckn perfect!"

Front-woman Alissa White-Gluz adds: "'House of Mirrors' is a song that twists its way into the human psyche. I wrote the lyrics during a dark time of strict, dystopian lockdown, and I think people will be able to relate to that feeling of being totally alone - but never truly alone - when you are surrounded only by past and future versions of yourself as company."

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