2022 belooft een topjaar te worden op muzikaal vlak. Met Sarin verscheen een tweede single van het aankomende album ‘Plague God’ van Absent In Body. Een album dat we eind volgende maand mogen verwachten en zal verschijnen via Relapse Records.
Met The Acres/The Ache liet Absent In Body ons eerder deze maand al proeven van wat ons te wachten staat. Deze week voegden ze daar Sarin aan toe. Zes minuten non-stop sludge metal in je gezicht geknald. Zwaar is hier een understatement.
In de perstekst staat: “Driven into a corner, overtaken by our own self-destructive ways, Nature sends its beasts to settle things for good.” En zo voelt het ook. Alles kapot, de controle volledig kwijt.
Benieuwd wat de rest van het album brengt.
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CHVE Comments:
"Humanity its demise as a self fulfilling prophecy. The onslaught of information is not manageable for any empathic organism in this Universe. Driven into a corner, overtaken by our own self-destructive ways, Nature sends its beasts to settle things for good. Restore balance by fire, water, earth and wind. Until eventually mankind will eat itself. Facts are no longer facts, and Science appears to have been driven from its throne, by new gods of unintelligible information. The story told by a new breed, all awhile Sarin will sleep in your lungs tonight."
"The scream is mine. So loud.
But no one came. A funeral pyre.
Flames so high they burn the sky.
The awful pain.
Everywhere. On Gods domain.
The coming rain. It will swallow everything.”
“Sarin” is also a direct hommage to Dwid Hellion, whom has written a song with Integrity of the same title, without him we would never have been introduced to one another, and AIB would never have seen the light of day."
(bron: Relapse Records)