Black metal uit Engeland. Uit Manchester, om precies te zijn. Fijne muziek. En je moet er écht even bij zeggen dat het black metal is, want degene die in 2018 is ingestapt in de Winterfylleth-trein en gewend is geraakt aan de mooie, kleine lieflijke, bijna folkachtige luisterliedjes van The Hallowing of Heirdom, komt nu voor een verrassing te staan. Waar het in 2018 inderdaad veelal akoestisch en clean was, is het anno 2020 weer helemaal verlaten. The Reckoning Dawn gaat weer hard! En, in tegenstelling tot klassieke black metal, gaat het eens een keer niet over dood, verderf, Satan, hel en verdoemenis, maar over geschiedenis, landschappen, Angelsaksische literatuur en al dat soort mooie dingen.
Een kleine week geleden releaste Winterfylleth de openingstrack van het album, Misdeeds of Faith. Een moddervet nummer dat wordt vergezeld van een lyrics-video, zodat je de teksten kunt leren. Je wilt immers kunnen meezingen als we in 2029 (fingers crossed) allemaal eindelijk weer eens naar een concert mogen.
Prachtig is ook Absolved in Fire. Het nummer begint met mooie, bijna klassieke muziek. Na ca. 2,5 minuut wordt het geleidelijk heavier; gitaren worden zwaarder, drums zwellen aan en nog weer een minuutje later gaat de strot van Chris Naughton ook open.
Of The Reckoning Dawn heel ver boven het gemiddelde uitkomt, laat ik aan jullie oordeel over. Ik vind het in elk geval goed genoeg om hier aan te prijzen.
Releasedatum: 8 mei 2020
Winterfylleth formed and released their first demo Rising of the Winter Full Moon in 2007, after which they rapidly gained attention in the metal underground, earning them a record deal with Profound Lore Records, who would go on to release their debut 2008 album The Ghost of Heritage. The release was critically well received and garnered the band considerable attention within the black metal scene. Following this release, Chris Naughton and Simon Lucas were joined by Nick Wallwork and Mark Wood, completing the line-up that would remain until 2015.
Winterfylleth then set to work on their second full-length album, The Mercian Sphere, which was released on Candlelight Records in 2010. Again, the release was a critical success (Terrorizer magazine ‘Album of the Month’ and 20th Best Album of 2010) and propelled the band to international success. This new-found recognition landed the band high-profile appearances at a number of top metal festivals including Roadburn, Wacken Open Air, Hellfest, Graspop and Bloodstock Open Air.
Winterfylleth released their third album in 2012, The Threnody of Triumph, once again to widespread critical acclaim. This release again obtained Terrorizer magazine's Album of the Month and 15th Best Album of 2012. It also was ranked as the 12th best album of 2012 by Kerrang! and made the top ten lists of many Kerrang! contributors that year as well. In March and April 2013 Winterfylleth toured with and supported Enslaved on their Spring Rite European tour. Later in the year the band returned to Graspop Metal Meeting for the second year running and soon after made their Summer Breeze Open Air debut.
The first half of 2014 saw two releases from Winterfylleth. The first, released in January, was a split EP on vinyl with Ukrainian black metal band Drudkh entitled Thousands of Moons Ago / The Gates which featured covers of bands that have influenced Winterfylleth and Drudkh. The second, released in May, was a compilation album entitled One And All, Together, For Home, (on which Winterfylleth participated) and featuring folk songs recorded by various metal bands including Primordial, Kampfar and, once again, Drudkh.
In July 2014 Winterfylleth announced that they planned to release their fourth album, The Divination of Antiquity, in October 2014. Again the release made album of the month in many metal magazines, and also landed the band on the front cover of Terrorizer magazine. In 2015, they received the award for "Best Underground Band" at the Metal Hammer Golden Gods Awards.
On August 2, 2016 the band announced the album cover and title of their fifth full-length album, "The Dark Hereafter". They released the track 'Ensigns of Victory' in advance of the album's release.
Following on from their successful 10 Year Anniversary Tour (in Sept/Oct 2017), Winterfylleth, returned in 2018 with their new, 6th album The Hallowing of Heirdom this time with an entirely acoustic album comprising of 12 brand new tracks.
It is widely known that Winterfylleth have always incorporated influences from Traditional English Folk Music into the creative processes of their previous albums, but on ‘The Hallowing of Heirdom’ the band truly explored this area of their sound to the fullest extent. The album drew on lyrical and conceptual influence from ancient folklore, pastoral poetry, riddles, rhymes and odes, as well as early British customs and practices,
Now cemented with a stable new line up since 2014’s ‘The Divination of Antiquity’, Winterfylleth have drawn on their collective skills across a wide variety of musical styles to incorporate interesting, new instrumentation and textures into this album, and in doing so have created what will surely become a new classic of this genre.
Moving into late 2019, Winterfylleth recorded their new, blistering Black Metal album ‘The Reckoning Dawn’ for release in May 2020.

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