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Fotoverslag | Stéphane Galland & The Rhythm Hunters – Jazz Station

Cristina Vergara

Jazz Station is a venue I know quite well as I used to go there often when I felt like listening to good jazz, or enjoy a nice jam. I could say it was the first venue where I went to listen to good jazz since I moved to Brussels, and it was a pleasure to see again Stéphane Galland & The Rhythm Hunters. I discovered them in this new formation last March, during the Brosella Spring festival, and I already liked them. The formation consists of Stéphane Galland in the drums, Shoko Igarashi as a tenor saxophone, Sylvain Debaisieux on the alto saxophone, Pierre-Antoine Savoyat in the trumpet, Louise van den Heuvel on the electric bass, and Wajdi Riahi on piano.

The group played a beautiful set in a very warm and crowded Jazz station, divided in two parts, with songs like Ipseity with a nice opening from Louise, The Lindy effect, Morphing Dolphins and Trans culture. The second part was opened with the 18 beats song Morpehus, followed by Positivv, Artemis, and ending with a cover of Afro Blue, mixing up solos from each of the band components to end the evening mixed with the thrilling energy of Stéphane in the drums.


Zaterdag 24 juni 2023, Jazz Station (Brussel, BE) | Foto's & tekst: Cristina Vergara

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