Maui Vindevogel

14 sep 20211 minuten

Sounds | State Champs, Outta My Head

Hun vorige song Just Sound is nog maar net uit, of we krijgen al een nieuw liedje voorgeschoteld. Een goeie dosis poppunk en typische State Champs tunes vloeien vlotjes in Outta My Head. Bovenal is het een vrolijke en energieke sound die in je hoofd blijft hangen. Keep em coming State Champs!

’Outta My Head’ is a faster, nostalgic, rooty one for us. Drawing inspiration from the early 2000’s, we tried to execute an ear wormy energetic tune that could have easily been heard on the American Pie movies soundtrack, or other rom coms alike”, shares lead vocalist Derek DiScanio. “If you’re not singing the chorus by the third time it comes around, well, just hit the replay button, I suppose”.

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Just Sound



State Champs has always embraced the idea of getting their music in front of as many people as possible. They aren’t running away from the sound they’ve established; if anything, it’s that scrappy punk spirit that drives them to continue to reach further and further. They’ve done pop arena tours, metal tours; they’ve even played a show on a beach. Wherever they turn up, they are going to be sincere and passionate. They are going to have fun. And moreover, so will you. This is an arena-ready band, capable of moving any kind of crowd, with the heart and soul of DIY freedom.

(bron: KINDA)