Maui Vindevogel

22 jun 20212 minuten

Sounds | Real Friends, Nervous Wreck

Real Friends is back, baby! Vorig jaar verlaatte zanger Dan Lambton de groep en sindsdien is het opmerking stil geweest bij Real Friends. Nu komt de band echter naar buiten met enkele nieuwtjes. Zo hebben ze een nieuwe zanger, en het is geen onbekend: Cody Muraro (Parting Ways, Youth Fountain). Daarnaast laat Real Friends ook weten dat zij zich aansluiten bij Pure Noise Records. Al dit goed nieuws moet natuurlijk gevierd worden en dat doen de jongens met maar liefst TWEE nieuwe liedjes! We krijgen zowel Nervous Wreck als Storyteller te horen. Het is wel even wennen - aangezien Dan een nogal opvallende stem had - maar het lijkt erop dat ook Cody van aanpakken weet!

“Nervous Wreck was inspired by the isolation I’ve experienced over the last year”, shares Bassist Kyle Fasel. “Before COVID hit, I was making strides to get out of my introverted ways. All of those strides were quickly erased when the world flipped upside down. I’ve often been so introverted that some people take it the wrong way, like I’m mean or something. When in reality, I’ve just developed some social anxiety as I get older. The lyrics of the song point to me being out of my own skin when around other people, and even feeling out of place when I’m by myself. There’s not really a resolution to the song. It’s very much about being in the midst of all those complicated feelings. Having a new singer in the mix can be a hard challenge to overcome, but Nervous Wreck still fully embodies the spirit of Real Friends. It fits Cody’s voice perfectly. I remember recording it and thinking this is exactly what Real Friends is. This track is very special to me”.


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For as much as the world has changed since Real Friends first emerged in 2010, the band’s mission hasn’t. They continue to bleed without apology and write songs that make it okay to feel everything: the ups, the downs, and anything else in between. Rather than shy away from emotion, the group run right towards it with distortion cranked and hearts opened, tightening their careful distillation of pop and punk on each subsequent release.

When the band—Dave Knox [lead guitar], Kyle Fasel [bass], Eric Haines [rhythm guitar], and Brian Blake [drums]—welcomed vocalist Cody Muraro in 2020, the goal stayed the same as they crafted new music for Pure Noise Records.

Over the years, Real Friends have forged and strengthened a deep connection with fans. The group’s 2014 full-length debut, "Maybe This Place Is the Same" and "We’re Just Changing", marked a turning point. Rock Sound named it one of the “Top 50 Albums of the Year”. 2016’s The Home Inside My Head maintained this momentum with further acclaim and sold out shows. In 2018, Composure incited applause from Music Connection, Alternative Press, Substream Magazine, New Noise, and Billboard who described it as “raw”. To date, they’ve also amassed over 100 million streams and counting.

(bron: KINDA)