John Van de Mergel

28 jan 20231 minuten

Sounds | Haken - Taurus

Haken belooft een artistiek regenwoud wat hun zevende studio album betreft. Taurus gaat lichtjes de Tool weg op, zij het met een lekker vette djent riff. Eerdere single The Alphabet of Me is een pak poppier en leunt tegen een late Yes aan, zeker wat de keys (Peter Jones is terug) betreft, maar ook die lichte zang van Jennings.
Boeiend wordt het zeker. Of het mij een volledig album zal kunnen boeien blijft nog de vraag.

Fauna verschijnt op 3 maart 2023 via Inside Out Music.

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The Alphabet of Me

Ter Info

Ross Jennings says this about the track:

“With such a diverse and eclectic array of material on ‘Fauna’, it was important for us to include a piece of music that represented the metallic edge of our sound which was exploited predominantly on ‘Vector’ & ‘Virus’, with our focus being on hard hitting riffs in odd time signatures.”

“The song’s lyrics were written roughly at the same time we all started hearing about the devastation and crisis happening in Ukraine. I was already writing the piece based on the annual migration of the wildebeests with strong references to people travelling in herds and strength in numbers. Suddenly I realised I had an anchor for what the song could be about and knowing this gives it all the more emotional weight; We’re all on some sort of journey towards salvation or enlightenment. Sometimes out of choice or not, we need to leave the past behind us and make new beginnings. We only have each other, and belief and hope are our strongest allies.”
