Frederic Zwartjes

9 mrt 20212 minuten

Sounds | Grave Flowers Bongo Band, Down Man

Bijgewerkt: 10 mrt 2021

Are you experienced? De Grave "Flowers" Bongo Band van Gabe "Flores" (snap j'em!) werkt als een Doctor Who-teletijdmachine, die je terstond terugbrengt naar de late jaren zestig/vroege jaren zeventig (ik lag toen zelf nog in mijn pamper te kakken). De duidelijke vintage-invloeden van T-Rex, The Stooges of zelfs van The Beatles tijdens hun psychedelische periode zijn enkel door de doven en slechthorenden onder u niet waar te nemen. De dato zou ik ze durven te vergelijken met The Black Angels, The Brian Jonestown Massacre of Ty Segall; met name bands, die er wonderwel in slagen The Golden Age of Rock & Roll terug te brengen naar de 21e eeuw.

Strength of Spring verschijnt op 30 april 2021 via Castle Face Records.
Net op tijd voor je eerste BBQ-feestje met massa's bier en een stevig streepje muziek. Ambiance verzekerd!

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With a darkish, distorted sound, Grave Flowers Bongo Band blends the scuzzy psychedelia of the late 60s with the uncooked energy of the scene that birthed the primary punks, then washing it within the sun-kissed leather-based sheen of contemporary L.A.

Los Angeles’ Grave Flowers Bongo Band’s sophomore LP Strength of Spring is an inverted pyramid balanced on the headstock of an acoustic guitar, a rainbow painted in campfire smoke, an endless staircase circling into the clouds. That acoustic guitar, perfectly captured here by Ty Segall’s excellently sere and close mic’d production, plays skeleton to these conjurors woolly grooves, and singer Gabe Flores’ thousand-yard moan keeps us guessing as to exactly where this wildebeest is headed. He pinions these far out tunes, which burst generously with shit-hot guitar leads, Stoogeseque sax squalls, and a gaggle of great eight-armed drum fills, with a flinty wrist-flicking heartbeat as the band turns from whimsy to nimble riffery on a dime, following that pied-piper six string jangling down many lovely rabbit-holes of melody and exploration. It’s obvious these guys play together a lot (the lineup shares most members with acclaimed space rockers Hoover III) and the telepathy on display here is synapse-snappy. Coursing throughout is that note-pad filling, lighter raising, undefinable black magic that feels so rare these days….we dig it mightily and think you will too (Source: Castle Face Records)
