John Van de Mergel

24 okt 20212 minuten

Sounds | Funeral, Materie

Niets zaliger dan loodzware, sombere (funeral) doom metal om het najaarszonnetje terug achter een dik wolkendek te jagen, toch? Het is bijna november, verdorie, en daar horen de meest duistere klanken en gedachten bij. Donkergrijze druilerige dagen en kille nachten, in mist en dauw badende bossen en meren, de voorbode van een ijzige winter.
Materia bereidt ons op sfeervolle wijze voor op de bare tijden die aanbreken.
Puur genieten is dat!

Praesentialis in Aeternum verschijnt op 10 december via Season of Mist.

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Norwegian doom metal pioneers FUNERAL have teamed up with the Obelisk for the premiere of their new lyric video for the song "Materie". The track is taken from their new record 'Praesentialis in Aeternum', which will be released via Season of Mist on December 10, 2021.

FUNERAL comments: "The song 'Materie' was written in collaboration with my good friend Jarno Salomaa from the Finnish band Shape of Despair. We used to play in the band Clouds together some years ago. It was actually finished 6 years ago, and performed live once or twice back then untitled.

It is the shortest song from the album, but it has everything one would recognize from us, plus a hint of Jarno's distinct sound and feel. I'm very proud of this collaboration. This song also introduces the very talented guitarist Magnus Tveiten with his first solo contribution for FUNERAL.

The song contains the usual epic orchestration that you will have also heard on 'Ånd' plus a couple of parts with only vocals and piano. So it is a diverse song, but also hints to what can be heard on the album. Sindre does a magnificent job with his signature harmonies and some growling. The lyrical content continues where 'Ånd' ended, and continues the conceptual journey into our personal take on the works of Immanuel Kant."
