John Van de Mergel

14 apr 20221 minuten

Sounds | Deathwhite, No Thought or Memory

Melodieus en loom, op het monotone af, zo kan je dit 'dark metal' nummer misschien wel best en bondig omschrijven. Naar het einde toe wordt alles wat epischer, maar echt 'extreme' zou ik dit nu ook weer niet noemen. Knap nummer alvast van ... ehm ... tja, van wie eigenlijk? Check even de lineup onderaan 'lees'.

Grey Everlasting verschijnt op 10 juni 2022 via Seasons of Mist

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Deathwhite comment: "‘No Thought or Memory’ details the opioid epidemic ravaging the United States and the perils of addiction. It is well documented how pharmaceutical companies have made billions by getting people hooked on their substances. The fact that they have gotten away with it for so long is reprehensible, but how quickly prescription drug abuse can destroy lives and families is even worse. The amount of lives affected is untold and there is no end in sight.”

Anno 2022 marks the tenth year of Deathwhite. The ensuing years have borne witness to the continued, if not expedited unravelling of humankind and the world in which it so harshly occupies. The 2020 global pandemic — an event of unimaginable magnitude — has amplified the worst in us. Cruelty, dishonesty, greed, obfuscation, and selfishness are celebrated, worn as a badge of pride as the world burns figuratively and literally. Such was the environment of discontent and isolation that enigmatic dark metal quartet Deathwhite concocted its third full-length studio offering, Grey Everlasting.

Line-up: Unknown
