July Bara

4 apr 20221 minuten

Sounds | Baest, Gargoyles (ft. Trevor Strnad)

Nieuw Deens lawaai! Ofja, geweld! Geluid!... What’s in a name? Baest dropte onlangs een nieuwe single Gargoyles. Komt het door de samenwerking met Trevor Strnad, maar de intro van dit nummer is toch wel compleet anders dan wat we van Baest gewoon zijn. Keihard, rechtdoor en met heerlijke riffs.

Als tweede single van hun aankomende EP ‘Justitia’ kan deze wel tellen. De nieuwsgierigheid naar de rest van de EP is gewekt.

Justitia’ verschijnt binnenkort via Century Media Records.

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zondag 10 april 2022, Muziekodroom (Hasselt)

zondag 17 april 2022, De Verlichte Geest (Roeselare)


The band quotes on “Gargoyles”: “We are the Gargoyles restless and wild. With wings of stone and swords of iron we shall slay. With our 2nd single “Gargoyles” we introduce the henchmen of chaos and guardians of the towers of suffocation. These cosmic and cold beings uphold the unjustified laws of the czarina, lady Justitia. This time around we chose the EP format, to be able to experiment more with the BAEST sound, and what we can do. So we chose to feature some different singers, to add new elements into the songs. Trevor’s dynamic vocals seems to fit Gargoyles extreme riffing, and we are stoked to have him join in, as we have been fans of The Black Dahlia Murder for years!"

(bron: Century Media Records)
